Conjoint analysis with customization results in non user friendly reading on dashboard and simulator | XM Community
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We have created a conjoint analysis project in which we have customized the conjoint block presentation.

This was done by adding html tags and classes to the attributes name and levels as well as images.

With these tags and classes we added customized CSS to modify the presentation.

We've started collecting responses and we are looking at the conjoint data, dashboard and simulator and obviously the customization with html tags is making it difficult to review the results. It's even worst for someone with no knowledge of HTML.

Is there a way that we can rename the attributes and levels in the analysis and simulator tabs (aka removing the HTML)?

I know in the reporting survey section it is actually possible to rename a variable but I can't find something similar in the conjoint analysis.

Anyone as ideas to suggest?
Are you able to rename and then pull in just the question export tags?

Unfortunately no with a conjoint question you can't use the rename functionality.

Once you've started collecting data you can't go back and change the text on the question itself either.

We have raise the issue to qualtrics and as of now, there is no way to strip the html tags.

They noted the issue and will work on a fix.

So for all of you out there, if you want to customize the look of a conjoint question, do not add HTML tags within the question. You'll have to work with javascript to insert elements and class where required. Its a pain but it works.

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