Constant Sum Question - With Multiple Pipe-In of Previous Responses | XM Community
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Hi all, I would appreciate help / advice or even custom code to conduct the following:
I'd like to program a constant sum question that allows the respondent to see their previous answers to a similar question for each list item in the allocation exercise.
I'd really like to present a table that has columns - list item, previous allocation in scenario 1, previous allocation in scenario 2, New allocation in scenario 3
Support has informed me thats not possible without custom code.
I've done a work around in other studies where I just pipe-in responses into the "choice" options - so it says in the choice option for example, Drug #1 (previous allocation = X%)
But this is not ideal, especially since I need to refer to 2 previous answers for each list item. The on-screen presentation is cumbersome and can obscure the ability to view the question or access the input field.

Any help would be extremely appreciated.

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