Copying embedded variables from one survey to another - edit .qsf file? | XM Community
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Hi. I have what amounts to about an hour or so of tediously typing about 150 embedded variables into a survey. (basically to take question responses and put them into universal variables that are easily parsed by our analytics software). Has anyone created some sort of editor to do this on a .qsf file? I could figure out how to do a cut/paste, but need to make sure it's error free : -) Or a guide to a .qsf file structure would be helpful. Thanks!
Old fashion way... copy and paste from one to other (or excel as it makes it easier to go to the next variable). 150 fields shouldn't take more than 10 minutes if you just alt+tab a bunch.
Hello @Tom_R ,

If you have a list of embedded data present in the excel then upload that excel to a contact list and then in survey flow you can choose option "Add from contacts" to create all the embedded data in the survey flow
> @Shashi said:

> Hello @Tom_R ,


> If you have a list of embedded data present in the excel then upload that excel to a contact list and then in survey flow you can choose option "Add from contacts" to create all the embedded data in the survey flow

i agree with what Shashi said unless you have an directory iQ and you use it often :| .
Thank you very much @Sashi, @NiC, @AKdashboard. This is a great community and I very much appreciate the high quality, timely responses!

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