Count down bar in Qualtrics | XM Community
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Dear all,

I am working on a survey where would like to show participants and indication of the time they have left.

Ideally, I would like to use a count down/progress bar without any numbers. The total time on each page needs to be different and I would like the participants to not be aware of the exact time they have left, just an indication. I have found an example that suits what I had in mind. It does not seem to be compatible with Qualtrics, unfortunately.

Does anyone know of a way to show a progress/count down bar in Qualtrics?

Thank you!

There are a bunch of posts about how to do this. Here's one:
I hope that helps. If there is a specific issue or question on those solutions, feel free to post.


> @MattBroffman_Orlando said:

> There are a bunch of posts about how to do this. Here's one:



> I hope that helps. If there is a specific issue or question on those solutions, feel free to post.


> Best!

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I should have mentioned that I had already searched the Qualtrics forum for solutions! Also, I would like to mention that the post you have linked is not at all what I am looking for. Since my initial post might have been a little vague, I'll try to explain again.

In the post you have linked above, the person is looking for a way to time their blocks and entire survey. That is not what I intend to do. I am looking for a way to show participants the time they have left per question. So on every question page, I want to show a progress bar that either counts down the seconds they have left or fills as they spend time on the page (such as the example I linked in my original post). This bar needs to be adjustable per page because all questions have a different maximum time. After the maximum allotted time is over, I'll have qualtrics advance the page to the next.

The timing function in Qualtrics does have an option to show the time to participants, but this way participants will be aware that the pages are not the same time (which I want to prevent).

I was not able to find anything like this on the forum. If you do find a post wih a similar question, please link it to me!

Thanks again!
Use a `<progress>` element and have JS set the max and update the value to countdown.
> @TomG said:

> Use a `<progress>` element and have JS set the max and update the value to countdown.

Thank you for your answer. Do you perhaps have an example of what this would look like? I do not have much experience with using JS in this kind of complex situation.

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