Create a multi choice question from embedded data | XM Community
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Hello all,
I wonder if is possible to create a multi choice question from a embedded data field with multiple values (multi-value text set). The number of values it not always the same. For example, for two different users the field colors is:
user 1 : green, blue, red
user 2 : yellow, black
I would like to have a different question for each one.
Q1 What is your favorite color (user1):

  • green

  • blue

  • red

Q2 What is your favorite color (user2):
  • yellow

  • black

Any solution?
Thank you in advance!!

We are also having this issue. Are there any solutions for it?

Hi @mv3analytics ,


You can create 2 different questions and add display logic based on the embedded data and can merge the results of these 2 questions later on.





You can do this with JS. Split the embedded data field to determine how many colors there are. Then loop through the choices to update the choice labels with the colors or hide the choice if there isn’t a color.

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