Creating custom code for pop up | XM Community
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Hi! I would like the respondents to pick one out of 100 locations to set up their business. Before indicating their final decision on the next screen, I would like to allow them 10 minutes to pick any locations and thereafter the profit associated with the location will be shown through a pop-up. Would that be possible using JavaScript? Respondents should be allowed to make multiple searches before moving on automatically after 10 minutes or if they choose to move on after they are done searching.

Yes, for this you can hide the original next button and create a duplicate next button. On click of duplicate button show a jquery dialog pop up and show profit associated with the selected place. On click of OK in pop up we can click original next button else on click of cancel, just close the pop up and allow user to select next place. We can add timer question with auto advance set to 600, to automatic move to next page.! I think I know how to hide the original "next" button, but not creating the duplicate "next" button as well as the pop up boxes. Would you be able to help with the code? Apologies I do not have coding experience ><

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