CSS Change for a single question in a survey without affecting the other questions having same class | XM Community
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Hi Everyone,

I am facing an issue while making the change for one question in the CSS design. Our survey is been used in web intercept having the slider creative

The first and second questions on the survey are single select radio buttons. Our client wants the body of the first question to appear in a horizontal way and the body of the second question to be in vertical

Text of the first question: Did you already book?

Text of the second question: What was the purpose of your visit today?

To make the options horizontal, I made the below change:

.Skin .QuestionBody ul.ChoiceStructure {

zoom: 1;

display: flex;


Now, the class QuestionBody and Ul Choice structure are shared with both the questions. I am trying to make the 'display: block;' or 'display: grid;' for the second question but it is not making the changes. Can anybody please help how can I create a whole separate class for a second radio button question and apply the change there?

Preview Link of the survey: https://tuigroup.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/preview/SV_8qTrZJbAVR5wMhn?Q_SurveyVersionID=current&Q_CHL=preview

I appreciate any help.
Can you try :first-child selector


or nth-child() selector


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