Custom button to navigate through blocks | XM Community
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I'm trying to insert a set of custom buttons that can allow me to navigate between blocks in my survey. I am aware that the ToC feature allow you to do this, but for a better look/feel and more flexibility needed to add the buttons.

This question had something very similar, but when I tried to implement the following code:





it did not work. An assumption I made here was that BlockID is actually the Flow ID. The TOC elements in the console look something like so for me


The way I *think* the above code works is that if I click on a particular button, it simulates a click on the element with the relevant Flow ID - thus redirecting me to that block. But also, the href of all these elements point towards the same link "#" which some googling tells me is supposed to redirect me to the top of the page. Going on a bit of a tangent (since I'm just curious as well), I can't help but notice that the url of my survey does not change regardless of which block I am on.

So what am I getting wrong here? (wrt any of my assumptions/thoughts) And more generally, how is Qualtrics shifting between blocks when we click on a relevant TOC element/Next Button/Previous button? Would there be a way of customising the TOC itself (changing it's position, shape etc.) so I don't have to create buttons?

I realise I've asked a lot of questions here, but a lead on even one of these would be mighty helpful to me in making progress.

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