Custom CSS for creatives | XM Community
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I would like to use custom CSS to style creatives such as the popover and responsive dialog creative. I can apply custom CSS to surveys but I’m not finding a way to do with for creatives. Any advice?


There is a new feature Add JavaScript, that let’s you do customizations on it. 

You can view this support page. It’s not available to all, hence, talk to your account executive to get it enabled. It depends on license and is paid I believe.

Hope it helps!


So are you saying that we would need to put the CSS in a Javascript function to run it?


So are you saying that we would need to put the CSS in a Javascript function to run it?



This should help HTML DOM Element style Property (


Refer below jquery syntax for the.



FYI jQuery is not accepted in website app feedback.

You need to write it in DOM element.

Hope it helps!

@Deepak can we apply jQuery in target survey and I think it should work when intercept will popup. I haven't done this before but I think it should work. 

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