Custom CSS not working in any questions, except the first one. | XM Community
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Hi, pretty basic question but it has me stumped.

I have custom css for p,h1,h2 etc that all works perfectly in a test environment. It is also working completely fine for the first question of the survey.

However, every other question afterwards it reverts back to default and completely ignores the custom css.

The only thing I can think of is that this first question is an authenticator?  “Branch on successful authentication” and then the rest of the survey is in another block. Could this be affecting it?

Theme is set to blank and layout is “classic”.



Can you provide what code you’re using? and how you have included it.


The code is very basic, just along the lines of

h1 {
    color: rgb(100,50,20);

and it is going in the Custom CSS section under Look and Feel. 

It works fine in a test environment and displays across all questions perfectly there, and it also works perfectly for the first/authentication question of the survey. So I don’t think the code is the problem, but rather something else interfering with it. Any ideas?

Check if you have published the survey as your steps seem correct

@Deepak it is not published, would that make a difference? 

Yes you need to publish the survey to see changes in live link 

@Deepak thanks for the suggestion, but publishing made no difference. I was also just viewing changes in the preview anyway, not the live link.

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