Custom Java and Filtered Piped text in Advanced Reports | XM Community
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I'm looking for the following solutions:

1. Is there a way to add custom java to add the current (dynamic) date in a report header in Advance Reports?

2. Add piped text that is filtered by specific criteria. In this case, my survey collects feedback for various individuals in my organization. So this report has a section for each individual and their feedback. I'd like to include a response count in each section for that individual. Since we can't edit or remove column headers in tables, this option is not very attractive.
hi @Julie_130 ,

1. You can add date using piped text in Text Area widget.

I saw that option for text widgets, but not headers. Am I missing something?
@Julie_130 , In think in header it cant be possible to insert instead you can insert a text widget just below header.

We tried this option by inserting the date in our Report Header (last line). When we center it, and save by clicking off the header widget, it looks good. However, when we go to another report and then come back, the date line is left justified even though we did center it.

Anyone have any ideas why this would happen?

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