Custom javascript only works with browsers on laptops but not on mobile devices? | XM Community
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Hello community,

I included a custom javascript in my survey to get the local date and time when my respondents load the survey page. The logic flow I set in the survey then used these variables in the javascript as embedded data to decide which page to display. The codes work like a charm only with Chrome on my mac. _However, it didn't work on safari on mac nor safari/chrome on my iPhone/iPad._ Below is the script I included in my survey:

var d = new Date();

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("hour", d.getHours());

var start = new Date(2019-3-3),

end = new Date(),

diff = new Date(end - start),

days = Math.floor (diff/1000/60/60/24);


Any thoughts why such an issue, and how I can make it to work across browsers and devices? Thanks!

My guess is that Safari isn't parsing 2019-3-3 correctly. Date parsing is inconsistent among browsers. I recommend using moment.js moment.js for anything beyond basic date handling such as parsing, arithmetic and formatting.
Thanks for your reply, @TomG! How do you install moment.js in qualtrics? I'm not experienced with this. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you!
> @echongsk said:

> Thanks for your reply, @TomG! How do you install moment.js in qualtrics? I'm not experienced with this. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you!

Add this to your header:


<script src=""></script>


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