Custom PDF reports and post-survey emails | XM Community
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Based on my research on the forum, the following steps are possible. But could somebody actually confirm that with custom coding this is doable in Qualtrics:

  1. We send unique links to say 100 survey takers.

  2. When a person completes their survey, they receive an automatic email from Qualtrics with their unique survey results in pdf format. So each of the 100 people would get their own unique pdf results. We want to use our own pdf template onto which each survey results would print. Is this possible?

  3. In that email, along with the pdf, we also want to include other text material, images, and be able to link text and images to external links. Is this possible?

  4. Is it also possible to edit this email in the middle of the survey taking process, after the campaign has been launched but before everyone has completed their surveys? 

Where would I find somebody to implement this?

Yes, the things you describe are possible. Here's a demo for part of what you are aiming for.

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