Custom termination message with only partial response summary presented | XM Community
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I have a 35 question survey with 6 of the questions that have a score attached to them. At the end of my survey, I want the respondents to receive a custom message that includes the score they received and their responses but only to those 6 questions.
For example:
Thank you for taking the XXX survey. YADAH YADAH YADAY... You scored a 5 out of 6. Here are the answers you submitted to receive this score.
Question 28 - (multiple choice and answer provided)
Question 29 - (multiple choice and answer provided)
Question 30 - (multiple choice and answer provided)
Question 31 - (multiple choice and answer provided)
Question 32 - (multiple choice and answer provided)
Question 33 - (multiple choice and answer provided)
It would just show their responses, not the correct/incorrect or point values to any of the answers.
I know that when I click the "show response summary" in the customized end of survey menu it shows ALL their responses throughout the whole survey. I just want them to see their responses to 6 post-test questions instead of having to scroll through the whole 35-question survey in the end of survey message window. 

You can create a custom end of survey message in your library and pipe the answers to those questions into the message.

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