I have this code which is intended to add a timer. It should allow 60 seconds for a block to be completed before moving on automatically. The respondents should be able to see the timer at the top while clicking through each question, every question has a page break in between.
Here is the html:
<div id="timerContainer"></div>
Time remaining
There is a separate issue that the first page after the timer displays the continue at the top right next to the progress bar but all subsequent questions it is at the bottom - as intended.
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {
var timerElement = document.createElement('div');
timerElement.id = 'timerContainer';
timerElement.style.position = 'fixed';
timerElement.style.top = '0';
timerElement.style.left = '0';
timerElement.style.backgroundColor = '#fff';
timerElement.style.padding = '10px';
timerElement.style.zIndex = '9999';
var questionContainer = document.querySelector('.Skin #Questions');
questionContainer.insertBefore(timerElement, questionContainer.firstChild);
var startTime = Date.now();
var intervalId;
var blockEndTime = -1;
function updateTimer() {
if (blockEndTime !== -1) {
var remainingTime = Math.max(blockEndTime - Date.now(), 0);
var minutes = Math.floor(remainingTime / (1000 * 60));
var seconds = Math.floor((remainingTime / 1000) % 60);
timerElement.innerHTML = minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0') + ':' + seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0');
function stopTimer() {
function setBlockEndTime() {
blockEndTime = Date.now();
intervalId = setInterval(updateTimer, 1000);
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {
var nextPageButton = document.querySelector('.Skin .NextButton');
if (nextPageButton) {
nextPageButton.style.position = 'fixed';
nextPageButton.style.top = '0';
nextPageButton.style.right = '0';
nextPageButton.style.zIndex = '9999';