Custom validation for multi select question option | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

I have a survey where I ask participants the following questions: 


On the last question (Q14 = QID32), I want the option 'Yes' to be selected only if in the previous question (Q13 = QID31 the 'Name' and 'Company' fields are filled in. I tried to set up a validation rule but was not able to set one for the response option only.


Tried the following JS, but it doesn't work. Does anybody know how can I solve this?


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
// Get the values of Name and Company fields from the previous question
var nameValue = "${q://QID31/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}";
var companyValue = "${q://QID31/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}";

// Get the Yes option element
var yesOption = jQuery("#QR~QID32~1");

// Get the error message element
var errorMessage = jQuery("<div>Please provide your name and company above.</div>");

// Check if Name and Company fields are not empty
if (nameValue.trim() !== "" && companyValue.trim() !== "") {
// Enable the Yes option
yesOption.prop("disabled", false);

// Remove any existing error message
} else {
// Disable the Yes option
yesOption.prop("disabled", true);

// Show the error message

Thanks in advance!

We can add following custom validation in Q14:

Q14 Yes is Not Selected

OR (Move to a new logic set)

     Q13 Name is Not empty

     AND Q13 Company is Not empty


Oh, this makes total sense and worked perfectly. Thanks a lot Shashi!

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