Customize dashboard "View" based on querystring and/or form post | XM Community
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I'm new to Qualtrics, but very familiar with other dashboarding/reporting solutions. We have a requirement which could be ideally met by "parameterizing" one of our CX dashboards. There is an company-internal app that shows customer-level details, and we'd like to implement a "Jump to Qualitrics" button that passed the currently-viewed customer to Qualtrics; showing one of our standard dashboards, but with an additional customer filter applied.

Any help or suggestions for this would be greatly appreciated; I have looked at the xhr requests made by the application, and I would think we could construct the filter in the same format.

"filter":{"type":"and","children":[{"type":"filter","filter":{"field":"00282","operator":"equals","operand":"1601075"}},{"type":"filter","filter":{"field":"00119","operator":"equals","operand":"Completed Surveys"}}]} (for example)
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