Customized Questions / Answer Choices based on the previous answers | XM Community
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Hi all.
I'm working on my experiment which consists of two parts; rating and choices.
First, participants will rate multiple products on a continuous scale sliders (1-100). In total, they will rate approximately 60 items. Second, participants will make a choice between two products (20 questions). We will pair the products based on the scores that participant filled in the rating section. So, the questions will be customized and differed for each participant.
For example:
First, participants rated:
- Item A: 40
- Item B: 100 
- Item C: 20
- Item 😨 80
Second, for Question No. 1, we want to pair the items which scored above 50 in the first part, while Question No. 2, we will pair the items which scored below 50. With this logic, then the participants will see on their screen:
Question 1: Item B and D
Question 2: Item A and C
However, I am still struggling on how to design this logic, so the customization on the second part runs automatically for every questions. ​
I hope I informed you sufficiently. Do you have any suggestions regarding this?

Since there are 60 items, using survey flow branch logic will be too big, It is better to use JS, loop through all 60 question responses as soon as you find the four variables satisfying the required condition, break the loop and set those variables to embedded data

Hi Rondev, thanks for your reply. It does really help.
Unfortunately I have no experience with JS. Could you tell me how to do this step-by-step or maybe navigate me to the page where I can learn how to execute what you meant? Thank you!

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