Customizing surveys | XM Community
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Hey, I just started to learn to design a survey with Qualtrics. It would be very very nice, if  you advanced Users could help me out with this situation.😀

  1. I would like to adjust the width of a 7-point Likert scale in order to have them distributed equally. (At the moment cell 1 and cell 7 are wider than the other ones.

  2. I am using the "normal" Layout and would like to remove the grey background of the "Multiple Choice" questions.

I am really thankful if you could give me some suggestions about that!
Best regards - Kilian

here is the css I used so far...

.Skin .Matrix
table{table-layout: fixed}
.Skin .Matrix
th{width: 58px;}
td{width: 165px}

.Skin .Matrix .table-cell{

.Skin .Matrix table th{
font-size: 14px;}

For removing the grey background of the questions I tried the following CSS:
.Skin label.MultiAnswer, .Skin label.SingleAnswer{
Does anybody know why it is not working?

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