Defining touchend/ click event for .track element of slider question | XM Community
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Hello all!

I am new to Qualtrics and web design. Thanks to this forum, I was able to create my very first JS code for my slider questions. But! After four days of intense learning to use the coding I have now identified a problem that might devalue all my efforts so far.

I was testing my survey on a smartphone touchscreen and noticed that when I scroll the page, it is very easy to accidentally select an answer on the slider axis. This can easily invalidate my data from respondents, as they might not notice that they touched the axis and selected a different answer. Alternatively, they might get frustrated and not finish the survey.

I noticed that when I choose different type of question like multiple choice question, the behavior on touchscreen is as desired – finger does not trigger selection when touching the answer option and then moving the finger, also long press and release at the same position on the answer does not trigger selection. I believe these two parameters might define what a “click” is (opposed to a “touch”).

So my question is: how do I make the slider question behave the same way as the multiple choice question in regard of the touch and click behavior on touchscreen? I want to avoid accidental selections of answers on the slider just by scrolling the page on the phone.

I hope my question is clear. As I said, I am very new to this, maybe the answer is one line of code, maybe it is so complicated I will need to abandon my preciously defined slider questions (I have multiple blocks with slider questions that have 10+ statements behaving as scale items).

Thank you for your responses! :)

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