Delay hotspot response? | XM Community
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I would like to delay hotspot regions from being clickable/selectable for a certain amount of time and I have no idea how to do this. Could anyone help me?


You can show text first and image will appear with delay, read post below for code:-
Hi Bansal, thank you for your response.

It's not quite what I'm after because I want the image to appear first before it is possible to click a hotspot on it.

The image is a gif, so I only want to be able to click it when the gif animation has finished.

Hello @syntheso ,

Paste the following code in the js(OnReady) of the Hot spot question


setTimeout(function () { jQuery(".QuestionBody").css('pointer-events','');},4000);

The above code will prevent the user from making any events(clickable/selectable) on the hot spot graphic for 4000ms (you can change the value of time as per your requirement)
Wonderful! I can confirm that works. Thank you so much!

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