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There are number of ways to create:

1) you can add captcha question.

2) You can add some Red herring questions like Which year is this with options like 2017, 2015 , 2018.

3) In grid questions You can add statements like please select 5

4) you can apply straight liners.

5) You can use authonticator in survey flow.
1. I should add that the bots can beat captcha. They are likely human assisted and many people have seen them beat quite a few manipulation check questions.

2. Does making the question a form field vs a multiple choice do better against bots?

3. Again the human assistance creates problems.

4. What are straight liners?

5. Can authenticators work for Mturk workers? We don't have a specified list in advance of who takes the survey
Straight liners is to check for response quality. If some one select same answer option in a grid or matrix question is considered as straight-line.

One more option is Speeder check( it is of higher probability that non human filled survey will get completed in shorter span of time than that of your actual LOI) these records you can flag as Speeder and cam terminate or reject.

You can't apply authonticator in your case.

Since you are assuming they don't have machine readers , you can add questions as I said in point 2. It will improve your overall data quality.
you can remove the css and add below jQuery to hide the first text box. Please add this jQuery on the question for which you want to hide the text entry box. I believe you have a text-entry question.


jQuery("#"+ this.questionId + " .InputText").hide();


attached is the qsf.
The Jquery suggestion is great! I'm trying to implement a few more techniques to see what the bots can do. Do you know if the Jquery code would allow a bot to fill out the text box?
You can try generating "test responses" this is machine-generated data.

below is the documentation:
Unfortunately, it appears that any custom coding prevents you from even being able to answer these questions. Do you have any other suggestions? I'm considering mouse tracking
> @mleipzig said:

> Unfortunately, it appears that any custom coding prevents you from even being able to answer these questions. Do you have any other suggestions? I'm considering mouse tracking

I think you want to use JavaScript and not CSS (since bots may be smart enough to determine is something is hidden via CSS), and you want to hide the entire question (and the separator before it). So use the JavaScript below for any question you don't want real respondents to answer, but you want bots to answer.


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {





Make sure you don't force response on any of these questions. Ideally, you'll put them in their own block. Then in the survey flow immediately following the block, terminate (and probably screen out) any respondents who answered the questions.
That works! I even had the qualtrics bot generate responses for that question and it filled them out, but when I tried myself it did not work. Thank you so much TomG - A four year old post solved my issue today. Awesome! :)

Forgive me for the overly simplistic question, but in the code what do you replace to change the question? is it the red #? What about the blue “this.“ don’t change anything. The value of ‘this.questionId’ is the current question’s element id.

Do I add anything to the code? I know this is real basic stuff for most coders but I’m starting from the ground up to try and flag bots and this seems like a good option if I can understand it (so close) and how to interpret it.
Notably, my institution’s license doesn’t include “bot security,” under survey options. need to check if the hidden question was answered in the survey flow and terminate if the answer isn’t empty.

I kind of realized today as I was thinking through this that I was still approaching the coding of the “honeypot” from a human respondent perspective. As in “I need to ask a question.”
The code gets dropped in (which creates an hidden field) and then if it’s a bot it just fills it in with anything. No need for a question, per se.
If that’s right it’s remarkably simple when I step back from my typical survey design mentality.

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