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Maybe try adding the 'enableNextButton ()' method at the end of your code. You can also use the 'clickNextButton ()' method to automatically click the next button to progress. Though, I would only do this if certain criteria are met.
Let me clarify, the button still works. However, it is obscured by the dropdown autocomplete box
Hello @mrl,

Once we select a option from dropdown autocomplete, the list get disappears and the buttons get visible.

Also, you can change minLength from 0 to 3, so that the searching starts after the user inputs 3 characters. So that the list becomes small and specific since it gets activated always on focus.
Actually I figured out the error. It was this line of code `` select: function( event, ui ) { $(this).focus() }`` I totally missed it when I was going through. I commented it out and this solved the issue and the code still works perfectly.

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