Design decision making experiment: updating probabilities + feedback, measuring response time | XM Community
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Hi there,

I would like to know if it is possible to design an experiment in Qualtrics in which red and green squares are shown on a black background in a random sequence. Full screen.

Basic set up: After each stimulus (a red or green square) the participant has to give a response by ticking a key (e.g. 1 for red and 0 for green). After each response there will be given feedback in the form of points to indicate whether the response was correct. These points will appear above the stimulus in the black background. The stimuli and the responses follow each other quite fast. There should not be anything other to click than a 1 or 0 as a response. So no 'next' button for example.

I guess one stimulus equals one page, but there will be 100 trials. 100 stimuli per block.

Expected data: response time after each stimulus, random sequence that is shown, responses that are given.

Any information on the practicability is very much appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Please also let me know if additional information is needed to answer the question.

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