Desperate for help! HTML code disappearing - perhaps need JavaScript? | XM Community
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I am desperately needing to stop some of my HTML code from disappearing and/or being overwritten. I think it may be because I have to implement it as Javascript, but I really have no idea (I am not very knowledgeable about this...)
Here is the code:
The part that disappears is the part that goes from
And then part gets replaced with other code. The part that goes from
At first I thought it was because I was missing an ending at the very end of the entire code, but that doesn't seem to have fixed the issue. 
I would be so grateful for any help. I'm supposed to launch this tomorrow!

Hi @kyu,
Please add the id to your button tag and use the below code in your questions JavaScript. Hope this helps!!
/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page loads*/
var cnt=0;
var MAX=1;

if(cnt < MAX){
console.log("The button was clicked." + cnt);

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