Disable functions for Youtube videos and auto-advance to next page once the video is done | XM Community
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Disable functions for Youtube videos and auto-advance to next page once the video is done

  • 11 July 2019
  • 1 reply

Hello! I'm new to Qualtrics (and also a noob to CSS codes) but I've to create an experiment that requires uploading a video from YouTube and disabling all functions (i.e. pause, stop, forward or backwards). It has to auto-advance to the next page once the video is done as well. After combing through the community, I've managed to hide the "next" button, as well as obtain a code to disable the stop, forward and backward function. However, I'm still can't disable the pause and the auto-advance to the next page when its done.

I'm also considering if it is possible to disable all mouse click while the video is playing, until after a certain amount of time has passed. However, that will mean that my participants are not able to view the video in full screen. Has anyone faced similar issues and managed to resolved this? Any help will be very much appreciated!!
Hi, can you share how you were able to hide the next button (and share button too by chance??), and the stop/forward/backward function? Thanks a bunch

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