Disable Hidden Boxes with Javascript | XM Community
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I am using the syntax below to hide boxes in a matrix table, however they can still be selected while hidden. How do I disable them as well?


I've tried replacing the word "hide" with "disable", but that doesn't work for multiple cells.


Does adding `.prop("disabled",true)` to your JS help?

So it should look something like this:




That should hide and disable the elements you designate.

A less elegant way with a bit more code would be to write the "hide" and "disable" for each appropriate cell in your matrix.

```var cell = "1~2";

jQuery(("#QR~"+this.questionId+"~"+cell).replace(/~/g, "\\\\~")).closest("td").find("*").prop("disabled",true).hide();

Thanks @C_Bohn, but that doesn't seem to work. It just crashes and doesn't even hide the cell.
@TriciaB .

I wonder if we approach it from a different angle if it would help.

For example, let's say I have a 3x3 matrix:


Let's say that I also want to hide and disable the following cells: row 1 column 1, row 2 column 2, row 3 column 2, and row 3 column 3.

In the JavaScript, I would build out the following under ".addOnLoad".




var cell = "1~1";

jQuery(("#QR~"+this.questionId+"~"+cell).replace(/~/g, "\\\\~")).closest("td").find("*").prop("disabled",true).hide();

var cell = "2~2";

jQuery(("#QR~"+this.questionId+"~"+cell).replace(/~/g, "\\\\~")).closest("td").find("*").prop("disabled",true).hide();

var cell = "3~2";

jQuery(("#QR~"+this.questionId+"~"+cell).replace(/~/g, "\\\\~")).closest("td").find("*").prop("disabled",true).hide();

var cell = "3~3";

jQuery(("#QR~"+this.questionId+"~"+cell).replace(/~/g, "\\\\~")).closest("td").find("*").prop("disabled",true).hide();



What results in the survey view is a cell that is hidden and disabled.

None of these worked for me. I could hide options, but if I tried to disable them, they wouldn't even hide anymore. My solution was to hide the options, then add custom validation that didn't allow choosing a hidden option, with the message "Please choose a valid option".

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