Disable previous button in combination with other JavaScript | XM Community
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Hi, I have a question(set) in my survey which already contains the following Java Script:

/*Place Your Javascript Below This Line*/

var questionText = "${lm://Field/1}"; // "${lm://Field/1}" will actually evaluate to

//whatever is Field 1 in the current Loop & Merge loop.

// You can do this with embedded data too, as seen in the next line

var order = "${e://Field/preorder}"+ questionText; // gets the value of the embedded data

// field "preorder", concatenates the current loop's identifier to it,

//and stores that as a variable

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('preorder', order); // updates the

//embeddeddata field "preorder" to be our order variable, which has the current loop's

//identifier attached, effectively constructing a string of numbers representing the order

I would like to disable/hide the PreviousButton for each of the 20 statements that appear after one another in this question. I think the JavaScript for this is:






My question is: Where/how should I write the command for this in combination with the other Java Script? If you could show me how to do this it would be really helpful, thank you!
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