Disabling the next arrow on every question except the first consent prompt? | XM Community
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Hello, I am trying to disable the next arrow for every question on my survey, except for the first prompt which is consent to research. I followed the directions in a community post and did Look and Feel > Advanced > Custom CSS and then entered code:



display: none;


This code removes all the next arrows, but then I don't have a way to submit an answer for my first prompt, the only one I need an arrow for. Does anyone know a way around this?
Hello @Shane78 ,

Paste the below code in the "Add custom Css" option

#PreviousButton, #NextButton{

display: none;


To enable the Next Button on first question, Paste the below code in the js(OnReady) of the First question

@Shashi, this worked perfectly, thank you so much!

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