Display issues with tooltip container | XM Community
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Just going to preface this by stating that my html/css skills are admittedly subpar.

Expected Behavior

I want to display a question with a term underlined that can be hovered over to display a tooltip that offers a definition of that term. The question should look like:

> Is there at least one Advisory Council within your children's hospital?

I would like the tooltip to appear when hovering on "Advisory Council" and for that phrase to be underlined

Code being used

I have the following custom css

``` css

/* Tooltip container */

.tip {

position: relative;

display: inline-block;

cursor: help;

color: black;

float: left;

border-bottom: 1px dotted black;


/* Tooltip text */

.tip .tipText {

visibility: hidden;

width: 80%;

text-align: left;

padding: .6em;

padding-left: 1em;

border: 1px solid [template("base font color")];

border-radius: 0.5em;

background-color: #404040;

color: #fff;

display: inline-block;

/* Position the tooltip text */

position: fixed;

z-index: 9999;

left: 15%;

top: 20%;

/* Fade in tooltip */

opacity: 0;

transition: opacity 0.3s;


.tip .tipText::after {

content: "";

position: absolute;

top: 100%;

left: 50%;

margin-left: -5px;

border-width: 5px;

border-style: solid;

border-color: #555 transparent transparent transparent;

/* Show the tooltip text when you mouse over the tooltip container */

.tip:hover .tipText {

visibility: visible;

opacity: 1;



and am using the following inline html

``` html

Is there at least one <div class="tip">Advisory Council <span class="tipText"> A formal group that meets regularly for active collaboration among hospital leaders, clinicians, staff, and patient/family advisors on policy and program decisions.</span></div>

within your children's hospital?


Actual Behavior

On preview my question displays like this


I assume this is some issue with the position statement in my tooltip container css, but I can't figure out exactly how to alter it. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
Your inline positioning is correct. It's your CSS that is causing the weirdness on your survey.


/* Tooltip container */

.tooltip {

position: bottom;

display: inline-block;

cursor: help;

border-bottom: 1px dotted black;


/* Tooltip text */

.tooltip .tooltiptext {

visibility: hidden;

width: 600px;

background-color: darkgrey;


text-align: center;

padding: 5px 0;

border-radius: 6px;

font-size: 16px;

position: absolute;

display: inline-block;


/* Show the tooltip text when you mouse over the tooltip container */

.tooltip:hover .tooltiptext {

visibility: visible;


article {margin-bottom: 1em;}

Inline HTML:

<article>Is there at least one <div class="tooltip">Advisory Council <span class="tooltiptext">A formal group that meets regularly for active collaboration among hospital leaders, clinicians, staff, and patient/family advisors on policy and program decisions.</span>

</div> within your children's hospital?</article>

End up looking something like this: !

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