Display Logic -Multiple "Or If's" on question not working | XM Community
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I have a question that is to be displayed if a specific quota is met . If the quota is met, the question is displayed. For some reason, only the first condition works.

I have Display Logic on other questions on this survey that work when the logic is not based on a quota.

This works only for the first quota shown in the picture.



I do have JS on this question, but it is to only hide the "Next" button. I was having issues with the logic before I added this JS code.
Why are they each different logic sets? I think you might be making it a bit more Complex than is needed from the looks of things. Did you try just using the plus button there to do a simpler logic equation?


I wonder if they new logic "set" won't work because there is no "set" there for it to work with.

I always run into troubleshooting needs when trying to move into new logic sets.
Kate, thanks for the response. I have also tired that and that did not work either
And you're testing with the quotas full? Is it just not triggering because the quotas are still open because you're not live?
Here is the change and still the same result

And to verify, you want the message to show to all incoming survey respondents, from any quota category, are shown that message if any one of the quotas are fill?

EG: The message is shown to a Math Placement 4 person, even when that quota is at 5 of 500, because the LSAMP quota is at 500 of 500.
What about parsing them out separately? I kind of like this option when I run quota surveys, because then I can also rename the question and know which message was shown and what quota was triggered.

Hi Kate,

Some quotas are full and some are not. The question should only appear if the Quota is met. I did think about separating them. I plan on having a non technical person update this page, so I was trying to find the easiest way
The first question in the logic functions correctly, it all the rest that are not. Its like the "Or" isn't working
I did add multiple blocks for "Sorry this is full" and only put one condition on each and I still have the same issue
Sounds like maybe something is wrong with the quota set-up itself. I would reach out to support where someone can walk through your work and screens with you.
Thanks Kate!

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