Display Piped Text As List, Not Paragraph | XM Community
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Does anyone know how to have piped text display as a list instead of a paragraph separated by commas?

For example, piped text will display selected options such as: “Take my medication, Set a reminder, Talk to a friend, Other, make time to do it”

I would like it to display as:

Take my medication

Set a reminder

Talk to a friend

Other, make time to do it. 


Thank you!


Hi @MarissaD ,

Suppose you are getting the pipe text from Q1 and inserting it into Q2 (assuming it is a text/graphic question type). Follow the given steps.

STEP 1: Insert the below Javascript into your Q2. (Replace the below QID1 with your actual QID - from where you will be getting the choices)


var selectedChoices = "${q://QID7/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}"; 
var formattedList = selectedChoices.replace(/,\s*/g, '<br>');


STEP 2: Insert this HTML into Q2 question text (- HTML view section). 

<div id="formatted-list">Loading...</div>

It should work!

The above code works on my end! Also, TomG has some code here that will turn piped text into a bulleted list.

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