Display randomly (balanced) drawn image from list with randomly (balanced) drawn label | XM Community
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Hi all!
I am completely new to using java script and embedded data in my qualtrics survey and need your help.
I am trying to set up a survey, that displays 12 images to participants, labeled with randomly drawn labels and asks them to rate each image on a scale.
The images belong to 4 different categories (each category consists of 24 pictures total), and I want to randomly draw 3 pictures per category for each participant. I need this to be balanced though, so after all participants participated each picture is supposed to be shown equal amounts of times.
The pictures additionally need to be labeled with a label, that is again randomly but balanced drawn from a list (e.g., label A or 😎.
I have absolutely no clue how to achieve this in Qualtrics using Java script.
I thought about manually creating 4 different blocks (one block for each picture category), add a question for each picture and then using a randomizer to randomly draw one question per block and repeat that 3 times. But this isn't the smoothest option, as I manually have to upload all pictures, and I don't know how to achieve the random labelling with this option
Can anyone help me with the java script for what I am trying to do?
Thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it!

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