Display Text entry field to the right of the question | XM Community
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Hi All - I'm using Multiple Choice question with a text entry, which I need to display to the right of the question. On another post I found a similar post with code that moved the text entry box before the question - I need to flip that order (question then text entry box). Any idea how to alter the code below? Thank you!!

var QID = this.questionId;

var QIDOtherLabel = jQuery("#" + QID).find(".TextEntryBox").siblings().attr("id");

jQuery("[id='" +QIDOtherLabel+"']").append(jQuery("#" + QID).find(".TextEntryBox"));

jQuery("[id='" +QIDOtherLabel+"']").css("padding-top","30px");

jQuery("[id='" +QIDOtherLabel+"']").css("padding-bottom","30px");

jQuery("#" + QID).find(".TextEntryBox").css("float","unset");
When you add text entry box for any option it automatically appears on right of the text.
@Multimedia_Team - In the last line of code try changing "unset" to "none".

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