Displaying completion rate at the end of the survey | XM Community
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I am currently running a study that will allow participants to skip questions that they do not wish to answer, and then tie their payment to the % of the survey that the participants have actually completed. I would like to display this completion % at the very end of the survey so that participants can understand the basis of their payment. For example, when participants complete 10 out of 20 questions, they get 50% completion rate, and then they will earn 50% of their payment)

Is there a way for me to automate this within Qualtrics? I know the existence of the progress bar; but I think the metric that I am hoping to capture is slightly different.

Thank you!
If you have 20 single answer questions, you can use Qualtrics Scoring and assign 5 pts to every answer option.

If you have a mix of questions, you can pipe the answers to all the questions into a script (web service or JavaScript) that would determine which questions were answered and calculate the percentage.

Another approach would be to have 20 branches in your survey flow at the end of the survey to check if each question was answered. Each branch would update an embedded variable using a Qualtrics math operation.

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