displaying outside graphic urls in Qualtrics surveys? | XM Community
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This use to work, but now seems to be broken…
I have a bunch  of images in Google Drive folders that I need to display in Qualtrics. I've been doing it by using the following code:
where the Image ID comes from the location of the image in the google folder, e.g., https://drive.google.com/file/d/eImage ID]/
I don't know why it stopped working, but it did. The images are set to be publicly visible, and I don't know what else to check.
Any ideas?


Perhaps Google blocked hotlinking.

These are my created images on my own GoogleDrive.

These are my created images on my own GoogleDrive.

Yes, I understand that. However, they are on a Google web server and Google may have blocked/disabled hotlinking to image files. You’ll probably need to upload them to your Qualtrics library.


There is a long post on Google’s issue tracker about this where a few workarounds are proposed, but there is no really good solution yet:


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