Distributing Rewards using WebService/Google API - Redirect URI Problem | XM Community
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Hi all,
I'll be running a multi-wave study on Qualtrics soon and am looking for creative ways to distribute payment to participants after they complete each survey wave, as we don't have a license for Rybbon/Tango, can't use e.g. Prolific for this study, and doing it manually is going to be quite a lot of work.
One thought I had was to use a WebService task - after survey completion, I would make an OAuth2 call to the Google API, pull an unused previously-purchased gift card code from a private Google Sheet, and then send this in an email in a subsequent task.
The problem I've run into (which may be a silly one because I haven't used many APIs in my life) is that Google gives me a "redirect_uri_mismatch" error when trying to add the User Account. This should be all well and good because I can add authorized URIs in the Google API console, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the correct redirect URI should actually be. I've tried all the seemingly obvious ones related to my university's qualtrics domain (see photo), but so far nothing has worked.

Screen Shot 2021-05-26 at 6.21.57 PM.pngDoes anyone have an idea:

  • 1) whether this is even a workable solution in the first place

  • 2) how I would find the correct redirect URI for Qualtrics, or

  • 3) any other possible automated solutions for this problem, if the one I'm attempting is doomed to fail?

Thanks very much for any help

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