Does anyone has a java script for making use of the Becker‐DeGroot‐Marschak (BDM) Mechanism? | XM Community
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Hi there,

as part of my research project I need to estimate Willingness to pay and Willingness to accept. A common method is the Becker‐DeGroot‐Marschak (BDM) Mechanim. Unfortunately, I could not figure out how to implement it in qualtrics. Has anyone a javascript or a related hint or experience in using this Mechanism?

Many Thanks

Which method of BDM are you wanting to use? A random number or sequentially increasing numbers (either random or not)?
Hi JenCX,

thanks for getting back.

I want to use a random number approach.

E.g. [0...10] and than compare the random one with the number entered by the subject.

Does that answer your questions?
Gotcha! Yes, you can do this with Random Number Generator and then compare the entered number to your random number with Branch Logic.
Many thanks. Good hint tho!

Can I round the above generated random number ...sth like 4.45 (should reflect a utility value in terms of money.
@Dafink Yes, you can use Math Operations to round it.

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