Does anyone have CSS code to achieve the same result as the screen shot? | XM Community
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I am trying to get the survey to have the same look and feel as the Qualtrics support "Was this helpful" section. Screenshot below.


Does anyone have the CSS script to achieve this result?
@Logan You should learn to use the developer tools in your browser (F12 key in Firefox) to view HTML elements on a website and the CSS being used on them.
Hello @Logan ,

Paste the below code in the js(onReady) of the Multi choice question with position "Horizontal" and label position "Side"

jQuery("<li width='25%' style='vertical-align:middle' class=' '><p style='white-space: nowrap'>Was this helpful?</p></li>").insertBefore(".ChoiceStructure .Selection:eq(0)");


jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" label.SingleAnswer").css({"padding":"5px","display":"inline-block"});
We would like to use the "Was this helpful? Yes|No" exactly like this to get input on articles in our KB, but are not sure of exactly how to implement it. Sorry for the dumb question, but can you outline the all the other steps to embed something like this on a site assuming we have the intercept code loaded in the header?
@Shashi - I forgot to at mention you in my last comment. If you can help, I'd greatly appreciate it.
> @mnevill said:

> @Shashi - I forgot to at mention you in my last comment. If you can help, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Paste the above code in the question js(OnReady) of the survey which you have embedded (target) in the website feedback

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