Drill Down questions - multiple answers and free text | XM Community
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Drill Down questions - multiple answers and free text

  • 26 October 2021
  • 3 replies

I have 2 queries when using a drill down question box:
Firstly: Is it possible to have a other + free text option? Eg:
Q1. Name the countries and cities you have visited to?
Country: Australia
City: Sydney, Melbourne or 'Other - please state:'
There would then be a free text box to complete.
Secondly, I would like to add conditions so that respondents can add further answers to the same question. So if they provide a response, the question would repeat and they could answer same country, different city OR another country, again with various cities as options, plus the free text. This would continue until they no longer provide a further answer.
If they didn't respond with anything to the first Q1 , then they would go onto the next question.
Thank you!

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

hi Mullycat

By Default Qualtrics options no it is not possible.
But by using some custom JS you can do this.
all you have to do is add a trigger using JS such that only when other - please State option is selected i second drill down. show text entry question.

Badge +1

Hi NiC & Mullycat
I'm trying to create a drilldown question with the similar to what Mullycat described in the second query, allowing a respondent to answer the same question multiple times. I'm new to Java script, could either of you help with writing one appropriate for the question?
Thank you!


Hi NiC

I have no prior experience with JS, can you give me an idea of sample code to add a trigger to prompt the tex entry question if “Other” is selected in the drill down option.



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