Editing (coding) a Likert Scale to include a Text Only option | XM Community
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I am creating a Likert Scale question on my research Survey.
Out of the 7 statements I have. I need to change 2 statements to NOT include a scale, but rather just 1) text entry and another with 2) Yes/NO
This is still within the same Likert-scale question, and not a separate Text-entry question.

For example:
Statement 1: Strongly disagree -- disagree -- neutral -- agree -- strongly agree
Statement 2: Strongly disagree -- disagree -- neutral -- agree -- strongly agree
Statement 6: Enter Text here (no scales)
Statement 7: Yes/No (no scales)

Can anyone help me out with this, is it possible to code this????
Thank you!!!!

Instead of having them in same question, we can also separate them into three, and remove question gaps between them so that it appears as a same question.

How would you remove a question gap?
I could separate them into 3, then add a page break between every set, but that's not user friendly to keep going through pages while answering the survey.

Do not add page break between them.
Create Q1 as Matrix question with 5 statements and 5 scale points
Create Q2 as text entry -> form type question and with 1 form field. Enter the statement 6 in the "Click to write Form Field 1" box. Do not enter anything in the question text
Create Q3 as matrix question with 1 statement ( for statement 7) and 2 scale points (Yes/No). Do not enter anything in the question text.

In JS of Q2 and Q3 paste the below code:
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .QuestionText").hide();

Thanks, it worked!

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