Embed Data from Custom Javascript - Reaction time "Keypress" | XM Community
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Dear community,

I'd love some help on a current problem I am working on. I want to record the time until the user presses the first key on the survey to fill out a text box. I have written some custom Javascript to do so:




let timeOnLoad = new Date().getTime();

var eventHandler = function(event)



let timeTaken = new Date().getTime() - timeOnLoad;


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData( 'time_press_key ', timeTaken );

document.removeEventListener('keypress', eventHandler);


document.addEventListener('keypress', eventHandler);



I have also set up a Embedded Variable in my survey flow, but the data does not come through. I would really appreciate some help on this issue of where I might be going wrong.


Thanks so much in advance for your help!

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