Embedded data | XM Community
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So the issue I am having is that my embedded data from the URL links is not showing up in the Data and Analysis Section- to be clear- It was showing up for the first few responses to the survey and now it is no longer. The category I created is there, but for some reason new responses to the survey are not showing the embedded data from the URL links.

So yes, I did add the embedded data to the survey workflow. I am wondering if the settings for the embedded data have changed or something?

Any ideas??

Hi @Rmort2024 Can you share the setup in workflow, can check if we have anything there.

see above- this is the survey flow...which was working. The branching is working fine and it uses the embedded data from the URL



Your survey flow is correct. Things to check:

  1. Make sure you published your survey
  2. Make sure the url is correct. For example: https://yoursubdomain.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_xxx?Source=AHS001 (it is case sensitive)

what do you mean by case sensitive? does the embedded data in the URL have to be upper case? or can it be both upper and lower?

I provided the links once I published the survey, using copy and paste...so nothing was mistyped.

what do you mean by case sensitive? does the embedded data in the URL have to be upper case? or can it be both upper and lower?

I provided the links once I published the survey, using copy and paste...so nothing was mistyped.

If your embedded data field is “Source” then the url parameter must be “Source=ASH001” (not “source” or “SOURCE”).

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