Embedded Data From a File Showing on Data Extracts | XM Community
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Embedded Data From a File Showing on Data Extracts

Some small background first, my company is using the platform as a data entry and database for Quality Assurance Evaluations in additional to traditional surveys. We have a file containing the agent information that our Reporting and Analytics team needs to tie the information back together with other dashboard information.

What I am looking to accomplish is to have the data from that file (which has been loaded into Qualtrics as a contact list) show as embedded data on the data extracts based on the Agent Name field. i have tried following the instructions on the support page and input embedded data fields as shown in the picture, as well as added those field names as columns in Data & Analysis, but the fields still come up blank when exporting. the only item for sure we were advised needs to show is the Email address.

Thank you.

I would always put your embedded data first unless you are setting them with responses from the survey. The names are case sensitive. I would just make sure your embedded data names match exactly the way they are stored in your contacts.
> @MSobotta said:

> I would always put your embedded data first unless you are setting them with responses from the survey. The names are case sensitive. I would just make sure your embedded data names match exactly the way they are stored in your contacts.

so i should have the embedded data block above the default block?
> @jbarkon said:

> > @MSobotta said:

> > I would always put your embedded data first unless you are setting them with responses from the survey. The names are case sensitive. I would just make sure your embedded data names match exactly the way they are stored in your contacts.


> so i should have the embedded data block above the default block?

Yes - Think of top>bottom as the order of operations. If the embedded data block is above the question block, then that data is pulled in _before_ the questions are asked (and thus will always exist). However, if it is under the question block, then the data doesn't load until (and IF) the block is completed.
> @jbarkon said:

> > @MSobotta said:

> > I would always put your embedded data first unless you are setting them with responses from the survey. The names are case sensitive. I would just make sure your embedded data names match exactly the way they are stored in your contacts.


> so i should have the embedded data block above the default block?

I always do. That way the information is collected even when they fail to complete the survey. You will have embedded data for the partial surveys if you put the embedded data before the actual questions. It also allows you to use the embedded data in any blocks which follow.
thank you everyone for your assistance so far, however this is still not showing the correct data pulled over from the file.
How are you distributing the survey?
there is an anonymous reusable link that the Quality Evaluators will be using to submit the survey responses.
> @jbarkon said:

> there is an anonymous reusable link that the Quality Evaluators will be using to submit the survey responses.

Because you are using an anonymous link there is no way for the survey to know which respondent is filling out the survey.
> @MSobotta said:

> > @jbarkon said:

> > there is an anonymous reusable link that the Quality Evaluators will be using to submit the survey responses.


> Because you are using an anonymous link there is no way for the survey to know which respondent is filling out the survey.


the embedded data should be pulled over from the contact list based on the answer to the Agent Name question.
Not how it works. You would have to use an Authenticator.

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