Embedded Feedback in multiple sections on a page | XM Community
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I’m willing to guess that I am not the only one trying to find a solution to the problem below. Really hoping for an assist from the XM Community here. Thanks in advance for your help and feedback!



  • We have several content heavy pages which are broken out into sections within an accordion style DIV. Our goal is to place the embedded feedback widget at the end of each accordion block on the site so we can capture more specific feedback about content within the page level.We insert the feedback widget based on the CSS selector of .accordionSurvey which will appear at the end of every accordion block by default. Thus, there are situations where we may have up to 50 different accordions present on a page all from the same creative/survey. 
  • Here is an example page and visual where the accordions broken out by state. https://www.uhcprovider.com/en/contact-us.html



  • We need a way through javascript or some other means to capture the text of the accordion header name (e.g. Alabama, Alaska) where the feedback widget was clicked and the survey was submitted so that we can report out at the page and content level.

Things we have tried: 

  • We have tried implementing JS code in the Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnPageSubmit section within the Q1 question to scale the DOM and capture the text of the header but it is not pulling back the header value. 
  • Note: The UI in Qualtrics doesn’t let you see the survey design panel when using the embedded feedback creative. However, if you know the survey id value (SV_xxxx) you can enter it in the URL schema for a standard survey to get into the JS options and other settings (e.g. https://servername.qualtrics.com/survey-builder/<surveyID>/edit).
  • Example:

Let me know your thoughts!

Hi bucklib, 


Thanks for this. This is very informative. 

I do have a question in terms of using multiple thumbsup/thumb down in a single page. Can you provide any information as to how did you enable multiple content effectiveness in a single page? Did you create multiple intercept projects for each accordion, or did you create just one intercept project, and specified multiple accordion locations where you want the thumbs up/thumbs down to appear? 

I have been trying to create content effectiveness for our FAQ page on our corporate website and we have 30 FAQs and I am trying to figure out an efficient mechanism of creating one intercept project from where we can have 30 locations in a single page where the content effectiveness survey pops up. 


Would love to know your thoughts and suggestions. 


Thanks again

After speaking to some technical contacts on the Qualtrics side, the underlying code limits you to 1 embedded feedback widget to display per page. I believe they also updated the content on this page as well recently. https://www.qualtrics.com/support/website-app-feedback/creatives-tab/creative-types/embedded-feedback/

Qualtrics said they can do a custom code project to enable you to put more on a page but it will cost a pretty penny. It’s really unfortunate and I see this as a big gap in the product. 

For now, if you wanted to achieve the above using the out of the box product, you would have to create 30 separate intercepts I believe. 😐

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