Enable participants to label their own groups in "Pick, Group, and Rank" question | XM Community
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I have been struggling with the Pick, Group and Rank question. Participants will be asked to complete a self-descriptive card sorting task online for which they need to label the groups by themselves. Is this possible with qualtrics, and if yes, how can I set this up?

I would be really happy for some suggestions and thank you in advance,

It is not built-in functionality. You'll have to add html and JavaScript to capture the group names and change them. Also, if you want to save the group names you'll have to do that as embedded data fields or in another question. The JavaScript required to do this would be quite advanced.

My (extremely kludgy) workaround is as follows. Its disadvantage is that you have a hard limit of N participant-created categories (and items, if you do Step 5).
1: Fill a multiple choice question (checkbox not radio) with N text entry fields (force response on the text fields).
2: Question wording should be something like: List all OTHER categories you wouid use for x BESIDES a b c. f you wouildn't use any other categories for x besides a b c, you can skip this question.
3: Then add a page break.
4: After the page break, add a pick, group, rank question and create categories a b c and after those add N extra categories, piping in the text from each of the N options in the preceding question.
5 I'd suggest adding some text entry fields at the end of your items list as well.

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