Enable Text Selection | XM Community
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Hello Qualtrics community!


I am posting because I would like to see text selection made available for USERS of the survey to select text from generated survey responses. USERS = general public accessing surveys, not Qualtrics account holders.


I am trying chrome extensions and other methods for working around this terrible website decision, and would appreciate any and all ideas about how to make text selection possible! To note, I realize there is a PDF option available for download, but this does not meet our needs either. Selecting text from a website is such a basic function! 

What part of survey are you looking at for text selection?

I am looking for text selection to be made available when a USER takes the survey, someone without account access. The same page where a survey taker receives the message saying “Thank you for taking this survey”. Users are given the option to download a PDF to save a copy, but this is a poorly thought out second option. Text selection is not natively available according to qualtrics “help”.


Qualtrics said: “Unfortunately this section of the platform is working as intended. Our engineering team has made the decision for the product to be this way for a reason. If you want to change this about the survey using custom code, that is unfortunately out of scope for me to support since that request no longer falls under the standard Qualtrics platform. I know you have mentioned multiple times the PDF export is not acceptable for you but that is unfortunately the only workaround provided for this issue. “

The reason why, and how it is implemented remains a mystery.

After speaking to qualtrics, there is basically no help available because text selection has been intentionally disabled, but they will not share any page code because it’s proprietary, not open source, and they will also not specify why they have made this choice. Using a chrome extension, forcing text selection works with limited success. I would love to know why Qualtrics has made it impossible.

Is your survey using an End of Survey element with "Show Response Summary" enabled? On my end, adding the below CSS to the Style section of the Look and Feel makes the text in this Response Summary more selectable:

.Skin .QuestionOverlay {
display: none !important;


Hello @Tom_1842 , I will have to try this with my IT support team to test if it works. I am so grateful you took the time to share this solution!

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