Error message in custom code workflow | XM Community
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I’m getting this error message on my codeTask() : 


"name": "The task is configured incorrectly. Review the task’s configuration then try again.",
"message": "2023-05-16T09:30:01.122Z 390259bc-e617-45f9-aa99-126cf8db5f6a Task timed out after 10.04 seconds",
"needRetry": false


Here is my code : 

function codeTask() {

let seconds = 10

var e = new Date().getTime() + (seconds * 1000);
while (new Date().getTime() <= e) { }

return {
result : "OK"


Do you have any idea with I get this message ?
It’s working fine in the code custom edition

It’s working fine on another 8.10 node.js environment

Thank you for your help 

Don’t know why, but if we change the seconds to 9 or less than 9 it works. Ideally it should work as on support page it says the execution task should not be greater than 60 seconds.

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