First Click and Page Submission Timing are Different, Despite unifying them | XM Community
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I am using a code which emulates the next button upon clicking and selecting a choice in an MCQ question. The timing of the first click should be either similar or ahead of the page submission. However, sometimes I see the submission time is ahead of the first click by up to 100 milliseconds. Below is the code I used. Any thoughts to correct this, please.




var that = this;

this.questionclick = function(event,element){

if (element.type == 'radio') {




Can we assume you are using a Qualtrics Timing Question.? If so, it isn't that accurate. If you need accurate timing you need to do it yourself with JavaScript. Start a timer OnReady then capture the time again in your click handler then calculate the difference.
Dear @TomG,

Thank you so much. Could you please provide me with a sipe code to do so? Thank you so much in advance

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