Font size in matrix table | XM Community
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I am using 'default choices' to display fields from embedded data in text boxes in a matrix table. Some of the entries from the embedded data are long than the width of the text box. I want the font size in the table in this question to be smaller than the font size in the rest of the survey. How can I decrease the font size of the entries in the table? If this is possible, can I decrease the font size for an individual cell, row or column in the matrix table or does it need to apply to all cell/row/columns?

Using font tag you can reduce for particular options .

In html editor add tad as below

`<font size="6">This is some text!</font>`
@bansalpeeyush29 Thanks! Does this require the [Custom HTML interface] ( "Custom HTML interface") or can it be implemented through the default interface?

You need to change the font size of the input boxes. You can do all inputs in the matrix by adding something like this to your question text:


<style>#QID1 input[type=text] { font-size: smaller; } </style>


The #QID1 makes it specific to the question (you have to lookup the specific QID). If it is the only question on the page you can just remove the QID.

"smaller" makes the font smaller relative to the default font. You could use any absolute or relative font size you want (12px, 0.8em, etc.).

To change the size of inputs in specific cells, I think you'll have to use JavaScript.
@TomG This works great!

Thank you both for your help!

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